flock of sheep came by guarded by the dog. We have noticed recently
that the flocks are often accompanied by dogs not humans.
into town to buy a SIM and data 12€ for 5GB for 25 days.

We then headed inland (east) to visit the fort at Ioannina. Got ripped off with the parking they advertise 3€ but campers are 10€ till 10am tomorrow. Told him two hours so paid 6€ still a rip off in winter.
We then headed inland (east) to visit the fort at Ioannina. Got ripped off with the parking they advertise 3€ but campers are 10€ till 10am tomorrow. Told him two hours so paid 6€ still a rip off in winter.
the opposite side of the lake there was a village at 950m altitude. We zig
zagged up and past to the aerials at 1150m, but too much snow to get off
the road. Back down to camp on one of the switch backs lovely view
across the lake to the city. Washed two tubs of washing.

