We stopped by Mahdi’s home on the way past but could
not raise anyone so onwards!
everywhere there is so much garlic by the truck load I don’t know
how they can eat it all. I have even seen dump trucks full of it.
and more garlic!
the Sefidrud Dam close to the power station there was water being
forced out of a hole for some 20 vertical meters - we are not sure why. There were many signs to say no photographs not sure of that reason
Slowly getting used to the scarf.
Bread straight out of the oven. Lovely while hot but goes stale as it cools.
found a quiet camp on another dead end yellow by a river. The river
was very very noisy but drowned out any traffic on the main road. Our
camp again was just on dusk about 8pm.
So although we do not leave till midday we still get 8 hours of traveling in!!