After 80km’s we exited again towards the mountain. It is cooler and the roads less hectic (read less dangerous). There were many people picnicking which was strange, although Fri is their weekend day they are supposed to be fasting!
Some more garlic
bought some thin bread which we can use for roll ups. Automated
bakeries are great. The machine puts the flattened pressed dough on a
pillow the guy flips it up onto the oven bed which is rotating takes
off a cooked one puts a new one in its place.
was driving and an oncoming 4x4 decided to overtake. He finally saw
me and passed on my inside through a car-park/restaurant. Crazy
B@#$%. I swerved to go between the two oncoming cars. All this at 70km/hr
speed. I am thankful for being a truck and having a bull-bar. If we have an altercation with another car I feel we may be unhurt but may of course be caught up with the local authorities.
speed. I am thankful for being a truck and having a bull-bar. If we have an altercation with another car I feel we may be unhurt but may of course be caught up with the local authorities.
found us a campsite up a very washed out track under the power lines.
We had known where we wanted to be but took us a few back and fros to
find the road up to the lines. So by the time we camped it was dark
2030hrs. Another late night, town lights in view all around. Very
hard to camp where one cannot see lights.
the washing to be done and hung inside the bathroom to drip.