2019-06-22 Day 268 Sat

We did not see our farmer friend so drove north again.

Samarkand is another town of the famed Silk Road. We parked in a carpark at the end of the old town and then found a place to eat. 
Disappointing food at tourist prices. We did share a beer which was enjoyable in the heat.

A wander around the three remaining Madrasa (Islam schools). These have had an enormous amount of restoration work on them. The old photos show that very few of the walls were remaining. The works started in the 1930’s.
We were told that each scholar had a room each and that the teacher would give one to one education to them in their rooms.

Little boys are the same everywhere!!!


Onto a bumpy slow road to find a camp. 

In the late afternoon the animals are brought back home.

Water is collected from the local well or tap.

Not one of our better camps. A couple of guys came past in the dark and shone there torches in. John went and spoke to them but just a couple of interested lads walking home.
I emailed Heatso about whether our stove had shipped and received a tracking number in return.
Sad thing is it is due on Friday! A week away.
