2019-07-02 Day 278 Tue

 A lovely quiet spot but no internet. I cleaned out and repacked the food drawers to fit in yesterdays shop! All fitted except two muesli packets, which John needed to find room outside. I also fitted the box of old stove parts under the electrical “seat”.

One never knows what will be on the road or bridge

We then headed on toward the Afghan border. I missed the turn off and we had to retrace our steps for 10km’s. The road became rougher and almost a track in places. Quite a number of taxi’s overtaking us filled to the brim. It is no wonder we see so many cars and trucks on the roadside being repaired. Even transmissions laid out in the dust or a gear box….
Very slow going.

Getting into more interesting landscapes
 A foal asleep on the road!

 Some local kids enjoying a clean clear pool. The rivers here run fast and are very muddy.
 No not rocks but sheep and goats
 Wide riverbeds a bit like south America
 The wild flowers are fantastic and change from region to region

 We stopped as I wanted a photo of this girl. We got beeped at by some motorbikes.  Russians!

Then shortly at a river crossing John had the chance to beep back!!

Two Russian and one Ukraine bikie passed us. We all stopped at the small police hut to have our details recorded in a book.
Our second time today.
We stopped overlooking the river for lunch. We had not managed to buy bread so I made a salad from canned corn and canned chickpeas. We ate it sitting in one of the little gazebos.
Then off again. 
We stopped at at the turn off to a village - a bit confused as most of the traffic went that way. We continued along our road but after about 2 km we turned back not much traffic at all maybe the road is blocked and everyone goes via the village.
The road to the village held some great sites of the hills. Through the village with all the kids yelling hello!
Back to orange road then a camp at 3200 meters just before the pass and down a bulldozed track. Great views and snow on all the mountains.

133km Campsite  3198m alt.