The valley was opening up the further east we drove. Now
there was fertile land on both sides of the river.
Washing carpets
new trees are a stick planted with other prickly branches tied around
them to stop them from being eaten.
advertised their 60th with rocks on the hills in 3
different languages.
wild sheep or goat horns became a very common site perched above
gate ways.
We pulled off onto the flood plain beside a goat herder for our lunch. These calves enjoyed the shade the EC provided.
villages are all neat tidy and clean, very little rubbish to be seen.
With a lot of trees planted.
Langar two lads came up to us and said Aussie Aussie Aussie one a
Canuck who lives in Perth and the other a Pom traveling by public transport. But are
at the end of the public transport they'll try to hitch tomorrow.
are now above where the Wakhan river joins the Pamir river to create
the Panj. So now we are following a much smaller rieko Pamir.
came across a Russian side car with German owners. We had quite a
chat. The sidecar wheel also can be driven. They were stopped to cool
the engine. It is air cooled and driving slowly down wind….
Khargush we left the river behind and headed north.
Goat and sheep in their corral.

We saw some motor bikes camped and stopped to say hello. They were in a windy spot but had a dung fire burning.
We continued on and turned into the lake Oziero Karadara and found a nice spot overlooking the lake. Got to and washed and rinsed the clothing and John hung it up outside.
stove is taking some starting which doesn't make me smile….
The golden Marmot are everywhere and make a bird like call with their warning.
Cooked dinner and a semolina pud. Then we both collapsed into bed. We knew we were pushing our luck in regards to altitude. We had come up 200m more to 4230 than we really thought wise. However we both felt OK going to bed