I walked a head out of camp again. I walked through Buni
villlage and waved to the locals. They are all very friendly.
The local water spout in the gutter for washing dishes, clothes or for collecting water.
The village had received outside support. Also there were signs about meals in schools.
the town of Khorugh I asked in at Megafon if I could extend the 10
days of SIM but was told it was valid till end of the month. One guy
that spoke English took me across the road to get some papers
printed. Before I could pay the guys friend paid for me. Such
are seeing more tourists as this is the turn off point for the 3 ways
to China/Kyrgistan.
came across 3 rigs parked. So we also parked and had a chat. The others were
all German. Only one vehicle going our way.
while we were stopped John caught these very slow cicadas then this
little old lady walked past with a load of wood. Not sure how far
she was walking!!
Compare Johns (belt over) height with her.
up to the Germans heading our way and had another chat, and checked
out each others rig. Their's was a 1967 vintage….
We left them and drove another couple of hours to find a camp. They are hard to find when there is not much flat land. We camped on the rocks overlooking the river in site of the road.
157km Campsite 2638m alt.