A farmer and his young daughter (14) came to visit - and asked if John could charge their phones. I was still in bed.
John entertained them for a while and then I got up and joined in the
discussions. The girl has a good grounding in English. She learns in her local
school of about 400 students, 2 lessons per week. At the moment they
are on their 3 month summer break.
After a few attempts and starting the engine we got the stove running and all
had a cup of tea. They seemed to like the cold oat cakes from
yesterday morning with honey.
I had not seen hobbling like this. the head is tied to the front leg....
We headed off for the lake Son Kulfor lunch. It being 1400hrs when we left it’d be a late lunch.
neat windy road down from camp.
We detoured to Ak-Tal to buy 40lt of diesel.
The area has horse treks but I am not sure that the couple we saw were not our doing it by themselves. Although only one pack animal.
A beautiful drive up to the pass with a lot more switchbacks.
windy road back up to 3000m and the grass flats,I assumed this looks
a lot like Mongolia flat land with yurts horses cattle sheep and
of the yurts were accommodation for tourists, groups of about 10
yurts. There must be over 100 yurts around the lake and over 4000
head of animals
at the lake about 4pm we had a quick small sandwich then continued.
A couple of girls hailed us and wanted us to send an email to their mum in Germany. They have been out of touch for a few weeks. We will do as soon as we get internet.
off the high plains across a creek and then up again to find a camp
at 3040m. It has been quiet cool all day which has been very nice.
150km Campsite 3043m alt.