camp and drove back into town for johns Dentist appointment. The
dentist lady was very efficient and had the tooth filled very
quickly. She had no English and even had some smiles at the end. Cost
only for trucks upstairs and cars downstairs. The one young guy Mikhail with
English showed us a place that is a market for auto parts (yes back
near the dentist). We decided not to go and while outside the guy
from upstairs bought out some small chains and fitted them. They are
only a ¼ chain. So we bought 4 @ AU$42each If they work they will be
able to be fitted once we are already stuck…
We turned off the main road onto a track which meandered
between the river and the farmers paddocks. Several paddocks had guys
and machinery busily picking up the hay bales and loading onto
tractor trailers.
Found a little spot but two kids swimming drove quite a bit further but could not get down to the river. Turned back and camped where the kids had been swimming. We both had a quick dip. A nice quite spot. Seems easy to find camps here.
Found a little spot but two kids swimming drove quite a bit further but could not get down to the river. Turned back and camped where the kids had been swimming. We both had a quick dip. A nice quite spot. Seems easy to find camps here.