Did our damnedest to use all the GB left on our SIM.
Downloaded contour lines for Russia and a few movie series.
Shemonaikha we filled with diesel then went back to a small shop where
I managed to spend the rest of our Kazakhstan money. Two bottles of
dry red some smoked chicken and the remainder spent on some black
sultana’s. Last time I had spent every penny in Uruguay we needed
to pay a road toll just before the border.
Russia, I was exited to see what it was like.
in the car we found that we could not share the internet. John had a
similar message with the BeeLine SIM in Kazakhstan. Another 98 rubles to share but can
only share 5GB. Back to the shop. Another option for 200 can get 20GB
to share only good for in town. So bought that from one of the
helpers at another shop. Cant sell to foreigners so the guy used his
first impression of Russia “Big”. Paddocks here are Australian
big the equipment is big they are serious farmers. Wheat ,oats,
sunflowers, hay and and unidentified crop with small white flowers.
everywhere except where the chocolate mud soil shows through.
paddocks are being harvested, hay and the grain and others are being
ploughed maybe for the winter crop or to sleep seeded?
again we are seeing churches instead of mosques.