A quiet morning with a few mozzies. More time spent with
photos and sorting flights back to Australia in January.
we started to pack John suggested that it was not too hot outside and
no mozzies present as well as a grassy surface that we should rotate
the tires.
We know for sure that Fuso did check and tighten the wheel nuts as well as put white marks on all the nuts so we would know if they moved. John had to use all his weight standing on the extension bar.
drove through Bratsk and stopped at a hardware store where all we
could find was some screws. Had lots of things but not what we
needed. A supermarket for a few basics and an ice cream each.
to be able to use a card for shopping and fuel again.
for some miles.
unused and unloved Soviet looking buildings were forlornly perched
beside the main road. Their life at an end.
had varied road surface again but could mainly stay between 60-80km.
Still traveling through forests. Road work was common, new culverts
being built into the new road.
We noticed blobs of foam on the road and had trouble working out what it was. It was not till we saw this 6 wheel drive fire truck that we realized where the foam had come from.
We struggled a bit with a camp
and ended up between the main road and the Trans Siberian railway. A
noisy night. Many trains and trucks moving about.
266km Camp site 571m alt.
266km Camp site 571m alt.