The farmers were busily picking up the hay with pitch
forks onto the tuck. They wore long sleeves and long pants I assume
to immune themselves form the mozzies.
The tracks we take to find camps.... better than some
guy was a 6 wheel drive beast and we think Russian made by the name
on the front.
The rivers here are real rivers so unlike our Aussie rivers.
And trees ... we are driving through forest now, we have left behind the tamed land now it is trees. They are all of a similar size but have not been hand planted maybe seeded from a plane or something. They are not in rows and sometimes trunks are within a foot of each other.
A parked guy hailed us so I stopped. He was broken down or out of fuel and needed a tow. So we did for 40 odd km’s over very rough ground so were down at 30km/h. Not what we need when we are trying to get our mileage covered. We dropped him at Turma where he had mobile reception and headed on our way.
still had 20k’s to get through the town on the lake edge with very
different architecture. High steeped roofs and large veggie gardens
and hot-houses.
Finally through the village and on a very rough gouged out track to find a quiet spot on the lakes edge. The lake is over full, possibly still the effects of last months floods.
315km Camp site 392m alt.