2019-10-02 Day 370 Wed

I walked out of camp and up the hill, I then came back down as we had had discussions from the car which road we’d drive. I didn’t want to be left behind.

Took some photos of John leaving camp.
Wanting to get to Nizhny Novgorod for lunch with David and spend sometime with him we had left early. 
Wonderful to see all the fancy window surrounds again. Makes the houses look cheerful.


Bought some apples and pears from the side of the road. Many different variety of apples, but not many have a good crunch!

We drove out to an island that sits in the middle of the river that runs through Nizhy, and found a suitable place to camp for the night. With that chore done we drove further into the heart of town to the Gorky squash courts. A very narrow road with traffic blocking it. Amazingly they all just sit and wait for someone to move. A 4x4 finally took to the foot path which gave us room to get off the street. When all the traffic moved on we followed in the 4x4 footpath tracks then continued. Around the corner along a bit then parked on the street near the sports centre. 

John washed some of the mud off of the maps again. Really is time for EC to have a wash.

Met David and he showed us around the sports facility. A big concrete building but setup for indoor soccer, Judo, and boxing-ring. Gorky squash is 5 years old inside this monolithic building, two of the 5 courts only built last year. David has only been coaching there for a month.He seems to have settled in well.
 We had a walk around the area while David had a coaching season. The park with the  armored vehicles was a hit with the kids.

John had a quick lunch then John had a hit of squash with David. First in over 2 years… Fitness not there either but he did get a couple of points (joke).

We asked permission to stay in the carpark overnight which was granted. Make it easier.
Went out to dinner with David and his another young coach Andre Who is rather just much too fit and strong.
A reasonably quiet night for the middle of the city.

175km Camp site  161m alt.