2019-10-08 Day 376 Tue

About 5am some fisherman came and pumped up their little inflatables and headed off onto the lake. When they returned empty handed they had a chat to john, As we were leaving one of the guys tried to give John a pocket knife. Such generous people.
Chatted to Chris and helped him with his spreed sheet. Nice to be able to help.  
Left for the town of Belgorod and printing. A couple of places listed on google maps but could not find them. A lady selling sewing paraphernalia in a small shop in big building printed the two visas for me. Off for the border just 30 km.
Getting out of Russia was fast and only a cursory glance inside. Entering Ukraine was a little slow. Initially we were put in the truck queue with the words cargo. I argued saying "not cargo" but Dom (house) didn’t work. We sat in queue going nowhere. John went back to ask the gate guy again. It was a different guy so got to change lanes. A bit quicker here but we held everyone up as it took a while to process the vehicle. Another cursory check inside and in the lockers and we were through. 
At the outskirts of Kharkiv I managed to find an ATM and get 1000UAH out (AU$50) when I got back to the vehicle John was chatting to a couple of guys who spoke English. One helped us put money on the phone. Bought some broccoli and drawled over the other fresh veggies - but don't have time to eat them.
Found a camp by a lake in the middle of town. Wonderful twisted trees. Had a wander around and plenty of camp sites, a motor cross track, and lots of guys fishing. 

117km  Camp site  118m alt.