2019-10-10 Day 378 Thu

When John was out taking his camp photo he noticed that the other tracks had barriers across them so our decision last night to stay put was a good one.

South to Melitopol then west to the Black sea coast.

Large onion plantation 
being hand picked .


An unloved vineyard.


And much loved cabbage.


We drove out towards the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve. Our map showed the area as sand but it was well covered with vegetation. we struggled once again to find a camp on the coast. No tracks out to it. The road was good until the turn off to another reserve on the south coast of spit.
Now the road was full of pot holes and slow. So we would not make the end of the spit. 

Our little track to camp site.


However we finally found a little fishing spot overlooking the reads and the estuary.

Another site had a large pile of bottles in the middle of site. They had piled them but not removed them. 

341km  Camp site  23m alt.