2019-11-17 Day 394 Sun

A sad day my first fly of the drone it took off. I manage to crash land by the car and the second attempt it rose 2 feet then took off out over the road and the valley where it disappeared from sight. I was not sure where it landed. So 2 mins and gone.
We spent the morning looking but to no avail. John even thought to look for the wifi on his phone. We could track the strength of its signal but that was up just near the road and on the road. Could not see it any where then it’s batteries died.
I had not expected it to just takeoff……..
Oh well AU$100 gone.

During the morning JA spoke to his sister then JY on the sat phone. No phone reception here.
Late afternoon john drove us down most of the way. The road was well used with a lot of truck activity, they were widening the road. Our nice track became roadworks.
 This lady giving her cows more water just outside her house. The animals just seem to wonder all day. On and off the roads.
 One small town had a unique architecture. All very similar with built-in verandahs and very well loved.

Found a camp once we were back on the bitumen down by the waters edge. The noise of the river drowned out what little traffic there was. 

75km  Camp site  627m alt.