2019-11-18 Day 395 Mon

I bought us the ferry tickets to Cyprus. From Tasucu. At a cost of AU$508 I also bought our Turkish Visa for US$60 each. Fill out online form pay and it is emailed to you instantly. Valid for 90 days over the next 6 months and multiple entry.
I called Barbara Shortland in NZ for a chat. I mention this as she is the only reader (I know of ) of my blog. Knowing and being reminded that someone does actually look at it occasionally makes me try to write it a bit more interestingly but I find it hard. I am not one to write my thoughts of things I see or do. Nor sure if through them not being right or accepted or just because of my upbringing where seeing all these different cultures, lifestyles, buildings etc are just “everyday”.

We left around lunch time again.
And drove up these switchbacks.

Looking back down on a dam near the town. Looks like it has filled with silt.

Every valley is filled with smoke, Where the gas is not piped in heating is a fire mainly fueled by animal poo, shaped into squares and dried in the sun.

Grave yards are so grand here.

Stopping near the top of a hill we filled up with water using bottles, and put some washing onto soak, taking 4 bottles of water with us.

Lovely little villages we passed through.

This guy had this water fountain and roof erected as his Legacy.

A camp by the Shaori Reservoir.
I did the washing and John pegged it out. It was very stiff when we went to bed. It is certainly cooler at night.

81km  Camp site  1151m alt