2020-02-03 Day 448 Mon

We walked out to the crypts fighting our way through the banana plantation, then the scrub. Found a track of sorts and made it to the top. Another amazing site. The crypt floors seemed to have heaps of crushed bone on them Not sure from what?

 John walked on out, and after putting the insides to bed I followed.

The lift to haul the bananas up the hill

The digger was once again at work creating terraces for more bananas.

Along the coast a bit and then inland to Sapadere Kanyonu. A great board walk all the way up the river to the small water-fall. They have there signs wrong indicating cm depths rather than meters.

Would be wonderful to swim in these pools in summer with less of a torrent raging through. I wouldn't like to try it now.

A back road west to Dim Reservoir for a camp. But very hard to find one. The sides very steep on no roads to the water. The level was low and really not all that appealing. Found a large road going up but after a while it was blocked off. Back tracked a little and perched on the side of the dead end road overlooking the main road and reservoir.

117km  Camp site  312m alt.