While we were waiting for the day to really start the guy in
charge of “trees” came by and spoke to us. They are trying to
beautify the area for tourists…
We continued on our
trip. The road quite rough in places. I had baulked at one of the
bridges and asked John to check its foundations. While stopped a
motor bike came from behind to get past. His front wheel hit a rock
and when he lowered his outside foot no ground. The pillion bailed
and rider went over into the long grass. The pillion thought it hilarious. John helped them with the bike and off they went still
A guy drove through selling live chooks S/10
each, lunch tomorrow for this family.
We continued on as we need to be close enough to the main road to arrive back in Pacullpa by 08:30am
Finally found a side
road and perched right on the side of it by a laguna.
Very hot so had a
wee sleep under the fans woke at 16:00 to 35°C….. and lightning.