2018-03-24 Day 297 Sat

As we drove out of the river bed we noticed that a particular rock were all shattered.

A beautiful day. Still, with no clouds. The mountains looked close.

Back out to Routa 40 65km - along routa 40 for 20km - then back up the south side of lago Viedma. The lake is 80km long East West and about 17km wide. The road was a little more interesting on this side. Not a lot of visitors come this way. The road was a good quality yellow gravel road. At the parque the guard spoke good English so we learned quite a bit.

The farmers, originally, often did not have land title so the parque, when formed, gave one of the family member the lease and when that person died the lease was supposed to end. However what normally happens is the farmer is allowed to buy a house block about 10 hectares but they are not allowed to farm animals and are encouraged to enter the tourism fray. As has happened to the property here.
We were also told that this lovely still sunny days happens about twice a year!!

We sat on the grass and had a late lunch (1400hrs). We asked about a small walk so out we went 3km along the lake. I did not take poles so had a really rough time. Couldn’t bend left knee so was walking stiff legged… Not so easy in some places…

The wind picked up and by the time we got back there was  some waves on the lake.

Drove just out of the parque and camped just off the road. Two vehicles went by just before dark.