We left our camp late again about 11am. Stayed on the
main road for the first 100km then as the road swung inland we stayed
on the coast and went through all the little towns.
through a town that had a number of ships up on the hard being worked
on. We were not sure if this one was being built or decommissioned.
The next town were celebrating their strawberry industry and childrens park.
the otherside of town we stopped and bought some more strawberries,
some wild strawberry jam like what we bought in Bulgaria with Elena,
and some fig conserve all for under A$10.
A lot of the hillls are populated unlike western europe where housed were mostly in towns.
A lot of the hillls are populated unlike western europe where housed were mostly in towns.
was the second town today that had a water fall on it’s out skirts.
We passed a town that appeared to mine coal and have two power stations as well as exporting coal. We saw these stock piles of coal black and brown coal??
Stopped at a fort at Filyos which was first built in the 7th century BC. The outline of the port could still be seen in the water.
Found a lovely camp on a nice sandy