Felix spent some time on my Skype talking to his medical
insurance in Germany. Then the ”Husband” took Felix and I to the
hospital, he certainly paved the way and we were seeing the Dr. in 5
minutes.Who then wrote, on a scrap piece of paper, a request for x-ray. We took this to the x-ray “door” and sat and waited for
ten minutes. Another patient came out and Felix went in. Back to the
Dr with x-ray, not quiet in right place so back to x-ray.
went in this time. Felix stood with his back to the portable machine
and held the film to his shoulder.
room held at least another large obsolete(broken?) x-ray machine with
table but was being used for storage…
to Dr. - yes broken clavicle with offset.
On another
scrap of paper an order for the pharmacy was written, the “husband” took
me to the pharmacy to collect and pay. Two vials and 2 syringes cost
me 35som (50 to A$). Back to the Dr who took Felix into the
“examination” room and jabbed him 3 times in shoulder and once in
buttocks. He then had his arm strapped to his chest. We understood it
to be a painkiller.
had not been to a hospital before and only thinks Germany has huge
ones, and was impressed that he saw a Dr within 5mins of entering the
to the accommodation to find that John and Stephen had nearly
completed fixing the bike. It now has it’s lights back on and
two salads for lunch and John managed to buy some bread. Felix spoke
to his insurance again and then we packed and headed for Osh.
good trip Felix directed me to the bike shop and the two bikes
followed. John was a bit concerned of the traffic but tucked in
behind EC
bike shop run by a German was full of bikes and German travelers…
Some on crutches some repairing their bikes.
all the panniers took our goodbyes and left to buy food.
fruit and a small supermarket and high tailed it out of town.
On the map I noticed
a small track between two small villages so made for that. Not
promising at first but just in sight of second village found a flat
spot whose grass had been cut and piled into mounds.
We parked
between the mounds and watched 2 guys roll cut grass down a very
steep hill with pitch forks.
collapsed outside on chairs watching the shadows lengthen and the
horseman take his mob of horses home. There was the sound of a
whipper snipper from the next ridge where more grass was being cut.
guys with the whipper snipper, on there way home, stopped in for a
chat. They use a solid blade for grass cutting. John got to try on one of their felt hats.
pitch forkers kept at it well into dusk. They needed to get the big
roll of cut grass down the hill.
199km Campsite 1051m alt.