We had visitors this morning. These little mice type mammals were scurrying around.
The herd of horses stood around the vehicle.
walked out ahead of John again, just trying to get a little exercise.
A guy from a little stopped truck waved us down. His duals were flat
and he was unable to remove them. We could not help as we had the wrong
sized socket…. It looked like he had his Yurt in the back.
followed the power lines for a while but they were deviating from our
map road, However we ended up back on the power line track towards the
think we may have entered from the back of town….
our way out of town we found the water station and filled our tanks
via bottles.
lady in charge of the valves.
at the gorge that used to have a glacier all summer we paid our entry
fee of AU$5 each and were not given a receipt which made us feel
like we were ripped off. At the car park we headed on foot to the
gorge. We walked to the far end about 30mins hoping that around
the next corner we would see what was worth seeing but it did not
eventuate. We did however see this little bird put on a show for us.
sun was just setting as we got back to the vehicle. We exited the
park and took a track to the left deviating from the track up a dry
river bed then on to a ridge. We had a wonderful quiet night but
could see yurt lights and cars on the main road.
142km Camp site 2126m alt.
142km Camp site 2126m alt.